Flight Management System
A Flask-based web application for managing airline flights and passenger bookings
Technology Stack
Flask SQL-Alchemy Tailwindcss Docker Google Cloud
Project Overview
A comprehensive flight management system built with Flask, SQLAlchemy, and TailwindCSS that allows airlines to manage flights and passenger bookings. The project is hosted on Google Cloud.
Key Features
Flight Management
- Real-time flight status monitoring (available/full)
- Comprehensive CRUD operations for flight management
- Advanced search functionality by airline, departure, or arrival city
- Dynamic flight availability toggle system
Passenger Management
Detailed passenger registration system including:
- Personal information
- Passport details
- Seat assignment
- Flight-specific passenger manifests
- Booking modification system
- Streamlined booking cancellation process
User Interface
- Modern, responsive design powered by TailwindCSS
Interactive data tables featuring:
- Column sorting
- Dynamic filtering
- Pagination
- Intuitive form design with validation
- Safety-first approach with confirmation dialogs for critical actions
Project Screenshots